quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2016

Inglês. 11.10.16 title of activity: reliable webisite

Put in the paper the website.
title of activity: reliable webisite for self-study
youtube channel: smalladvantges carina frangozo
something went wrong
you need to undersntad, intend to give, but i givent yet. Teacher kniw learning style, visual, kniesteic, rational, more emotional, some style match. Depend kind of learning, you gonne prefer some kind exercice. Learn true music,
can create, choose song don’t know, like, can play over over again till understand, do by yourself. Interesting, fun.
People are more auditive. People who like listening more.
They area some website learn with pronouciation, beginner to advanced level.
If you think the site is interesting, grab pink higlihght site interesting.
Right now we are gone start mini presentation
Web site about songs.
Good evening.
Lingo hack, knws from bbc, do activity you can express use English. And other things to make exemplum tipes, courses.
My website is busuu.com
Busuu dialect in Africa,
It help me a lot with English too.
The niciest think, u can see the levels,
The best thinks are, u knew the vocabulary, leanr word in a sentence.
After that know all vocabulary in a text. Question about the text. After that u have a question, when u write the answer, native speaking nativer correct the exercice, when u start u have to choose which language u speak or have advanced knowloge, other people receive your exercice, u have a grade, the best think is the oportuniy saw people who speak those language, many time when u are learning a language, the person don’t have the patient, got angry, If I speak portugues learn engçish, select person native English speaker, that person, want to leanr Portuguese, and we can become friend and have opportunity to check here without intimacy, is more informel, is more secure.
I like it a lot.
Engvid. Find webisite help me to learn English. It’s a amazing site.
Teaching English, helping us, I like so much, the englihs teacher, called allan
Canadian English teacher, there other kind of teacher.
If you come, to geo, multiaccent website, that can help us, with engliihs.
If ielts or toefl, they give us some tipes or advice.
As other presented, diferent level, from beginner to advanced.
We can understand all of them because the teacher speak in a speed we can understand what they say.
If we go adams lessons, u can see for exemple, he teachs diferent levels.
Intermediate level to advanced. U can find any lesson.
Very usefull and helpful,
Dicionarry from Cambridge, u can choose if u want grammar to
Also we have word of the day, and there is the blog, where they are intersing thinks, descrimbing movies, write and some words to use. Your own dictionary in yout account
Specific channel to learn English
Small advantages
He is very nice, I like the teacher, he really show how to proncouation words in America accent, he is very nice, he leaning how to speak porguuese, how he is improiuving, the are many video can help u to learn engçihs
There is another channel, englihs teacher, many thinks whem whe say, many doubt, they also ask me think that.
Ingles na ponta da lingua, regarding advante in our country, grammar, lot of videos, and expression. Similar expression in englihs, u can come here, and for exemple,
Teach expression and native use the expression, search all sort of grammar tips.
Always give lecutres, they are free on line course. Focus in colocatoin
How to combine words, when we do a text, find full sentence
I use to like it, instead of fous in grammar, he teachs how to teach in a more natural way. We repeat from adult people.
Ebooks about phrasal verbs, teach preposition very easy
Speech, actress, win the Oscar, he analyse the speech, highlight the language
3rd best website to teach for adavanced student
Here in letras we need lot of grammar lot of article and grammar.
Once here.
Beside you can find a lot of article, literature, if u want to study another subject, u can find here.
History, art, it all in English. Grammatical approach. For this kind of learner is very interesintg
Lessons and tips.
Mcmillan diciotnary
Say it not or shut up for ever
There are website, for free, material for free, contain all kind of think we want, lyrics training, website, music stlye u like, u can have exercice envolving vocabulary, more focus and discipline, create there own dictionary.
What that its all show us. Learning a language is deply realty to our motivation.
Let me tell u a situation, I have 2 private student, maybe a reason why my confindnet, very similar, very rich woman, the live very nice house, travel a lot, and they said want English for pleasure, I chose a book, actitivy, multucural environment, to talk about place, teaching, the are is a community, there area part of video, the comunuty of chechere in peru, tradiitioanl, I was there in thes place, doing that ini that place, don’t want to spoke englihs, to would translate everythink activity, till a point, I think it s impossible go on.
When u start teaching might feel discofonrt, take u , these is your problem, but u have group of student, most of them getting better, actually develpoping engish, there not every wrong, whast moves human been, is motivation, I ll find the time, sleep late, to do in my car, in on line mobile phone, see bbc documentary, time to go to my house to unveristy. Thee way motivate.
Some people go home, some people wont, I don’t need this, is not the time right now, I don’t know what do do about it, there just stay where they are. In order to achieve we need to be motivated. There are not study motivation realted to language learning. Motivation is very subject topic to be include academic studies, I do hope to linguistic is go pay attention to power of motivation, pretend we have our happy our health, life style, friend, program, our nigh life, our social life and so on.
If u want to change u need to go after your own motivation. If u don’t like ur job, complain, complain unitll one day u cant take anymore, try to do something else.
Think abou it.
Now what I want to do. Next class, don’t need to come here on Thursday, I will not be here.
The actuviy for the next Tuesday, it’s a simple one. Sylabuss, I have congress not be in bh, we are gone have on line activity. What exacly we are gone to day, language focus is modal verb, most of us, is sometinh very simple, we are really tired to tell people about.
We are twenty student in these group, we are going to divide ourself into for groups of five people in alpgabet order, differnetr source to give and interactive exercice to your friend, one group teach modal verb using musicm, other group reading activiyy, the other group gonna crate role play, the other wanta, use a video. What u need to preparea, in your group your area gone to prepare acitivy to prepare, print sheet other member of other groups
If necessary, fifteen printed using the part responsible.
Ur are going to present modal verb throught, gona teach modal verb quickly, briefly, leat activity last for about 15 minutes maximum.
Group 3 Nayara,Maria luiz, Oswald, pedro, modal verb thorub music, prepare activity envolving music to give to your firend, and thes in gone be the final project to our project, any modal verb are aloud, could, have to, must, needn’t, can, could, and so one, for any area we would like to discuss, we can even teach modal perfect, should have could have done, I must be love, but its probably now roxette. Bring activity next tuedays.

Language focus activity and write journal

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