not supose to know that, many of us, dying die, my teacher hate me, when we prepare any activiy on any kind of grmamar point is boring, rather than than getting grammar book , there is thousando of option, will see variaibty of actityb availaboe on line, two more choice.
today we are going to talk about modal verbs
are you ready to talk about modal verb
we have a lot of modal verb, some exammple, they express, thath thes, i teach all modal verb at once, then i give one exercice about all modal verb, and expect studnet to get all then right.
food for thought.
if u decide to apply to language school, ok, so go home in you have 24 h an lesson on modal verb, tehy dont expect to teach all modal verb, gone select some find a way to teach these verb without the studnet notcing that your arae teachign.
today we are gona talk to can and cant
have u haver heard of these PPP
comuncative teachign teaching
present, pratice, produce,
whjat doi it mean. i start here, i want oto talk about modal verb, but i dont want student to know about modal verb, example.
light, red, yellow, green.
traffic light, what it has to do with my life. what it has to do with my life.
red stop, think i cant do, are not allowd, forgive, prohibited at ufmg. you mustn's smoke in the classorm
yewlloo, option , not necessary, you dont have to, you should shoudnt,
green one, the things that i must do, the oblgiaion, i have to,
drawing, video, text or thorught and idea, than im going to refer to the verbs, higlight some caracteristy briefly, student are really distract, then give then exercidce, check understand, give a situatuin, role paly a situation, show the other people that the actually know how to use, seee if you student know how to use, just a clue for you.
everybody go to minha ufmg
do the exercice below, very simple actually, but using the ressoruce that we have for self study. we have a4es, english page com. quibbolo .com thetre are video, cazrtoon.
you are giong to open then, answer then and bring the answer printed, languageu focus number 3 on modal verb.
pay attention to the date
next class i ll not be here, next week not be here, not clas tuesdaty and thurdat be londrina for a course. free of me for a while, i ll come back shortly, meantime you arae gionto to do actiivty and star preprare proejct number 4, that is violence. the last one. these one, project number 3, project to be pratical and focus leanring, ther are not other subject will offer pratcie, habildiade 2, hard sintax, oral sintax, habildiade 3, you will elanr how to write essay and cary out a debate then , producação texto, habildiade orais, fonalisiga, morfnolagia, semantic, sintax, litrature, and the world wiill smile at you. those need moer supoort, people really need study at hhome and didnt have clue hwo to star.
irani and vitor present going to on line tools.
new sylabus at post to you, right date now, thes class next week will be acouth now aevertyhtin is ok
the skimm
day news, informal language, very informal way, what is usefull, and enojyfull, before expressingm, really cooll,the standofr encylpode of philosohpy, when u star searching a subject, can use the webiste, what u gone study philosopgoihcal optic, also usefuful, and these on here, like libray on line, about prety much evertything, any subejct
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