sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Culture Club. 06.10.16. Hallowen and thanksgiving

Rocky horror Picture show time warp. Music.
Fall festival: hallowen and thanksgiving in the us
Okay, as soon as computer hit up a little bit. Our fun culture club, tradition and history behind it, really glad, must be for the candy and brownie, lot of people have been and haven’t bee.
Then we get in the topic.
My name is henry, I m from new Orleans lousina south us, international realtions alabam, 1 semester studying brazil, came back to do the fullbright program, really enjoy teaching English.
My name is rebeca, grow up middle east, close to Chicago, went to school near Canada, exicite to be with u, I love pao de quejo
My name heathe,r form los angeles calirofnia, went to school wahshginton dc, my second year here in ufmg, excited hallowen and thankgiving, favorite holiday, diferetn accent and vocabulary, new word, please stop us, or if we talk too fast.
I know some people have very advanced English, wonderfull time to practice, some people just beging, justi basic vocabulary, whaever level u are, we are really excited to have u here.
The topic again, history behind, what gone on in us when we have.
So, what do u know about hollowen in the united stat.
Food, pupupking, costumes, jacket, pupkin with a face, toilllet paper in the tree.
Where the tradiction come from, why and how they celebrated!-
Start of with halowwen, very soon, few weeks, thanks giving is little later.
We gone play game of trivia, four teames,
With the people in your group, we have the question and need to decide together the answer.
Trivia game
Original tradition of halloen
Celtioc irish
Which of the folliowng not commo hallowen activity
Boobing for apples
Trick or treating
Costumime partis
Jack o lantern
Leaving food for spriti, use to happen.
Hallowen oring celtic culture, they use to celebrate new year November first, October 31, this was the time of year, the believe dead soul move to outlife, make animal sacrifie, to honor the deasd, left food for dead spirit, then kind of change, when romam empire conquer, catholic belive was evil, pope want to make good thing, being something good, all sait, hallowen, is sometinh is holly, October 31, eve, the day before, halloweve,
Another tradition start with cristina influen, poopr people go to house, ask for soul cakes, cakes could eat and was pray for dead soul, the exchange, that’s the tradition originate trick our teating,
That’s in Europe, came in us, a lot of source of imigrastion on us, imigant came to us, brought diffetnet tradtion relate to haloen, instead poor people, it was kid and prank, something meant to me funny, but kind of annoying, evolve
Community start worring about these, organize kid in something good and , instead causing demage house, something positive. Over the years, the was really dark and sinister, fun and good to kid to do.
Hollowen good, 2,5 bilion dolar spent for year, only hollweday spent is cristim, people spent money house decoration, candy, costume, huge cultiural holiday for us.
Kid go out ask for candy door to door, u little girl track trick adult go to party, costume party, really fuuny, year to year change, these year trump costume, spice girl costume.
Family decorate they house, not all house give candy, more decorated house, better candy.
Is so cool, decorated house in the city.
Jack o lantern, cut the pumpkin, spent whole week shavinh pupling
Catch the apple with your teeth.
It has symbolic simoblistoin, these was kind influence, woman believe but, dream about future husband at night,.
Villains not associated with hallowen
Freddy Krueger, Jason
Hannibal lecter
Michael myeres.
Silence of lamb, not hallowen, scary,
Freddy Krueger, nightmire elscrem
Jason, Friday thierten.
Michael myers, halowwen.
Hallowen pop culture
The rocky horror picture show
The nightmare before Christmas
Trailer Michael Jackson
Halloween them song
Most popular is costume superhero, because of marvel, last few years, go to us, bunch of superhero rounding around.
The original thanksgiving feast happened pilgrims and the native Wampanoag
November 1641
Pilgrims immigrants from England. Mayflower.
Introduce then specific tribe, form an alliance, after sucessufl harvest, the crops, the pilgrims governantor, invinted allied to sucessulf harvest with the fest
Lincoln made thanksgiving official national holiday.
Bush create cristovam colombus, is a official day, is very controversial, create the link Europe and native American, but create violence lif Erickson, was a north Viking, got to the us, actually encounter us before cristovam colombus.
Firs thanksgiving meal, between,
2 years later, bad drout, no rain, give problem with crops, when the drout eneded, created.
During America revolution against English, keep America celebrate good thinks in their life.
To celebrate the end of the war. Individual state start problami official day of holdyinf within the state, finaly become more popular, lincol ntional holiday, thinking relative, heald the wound, celebrate end of civil war.
What exacly are we celebrating.
Look with original language use para governors, stat start making it, abrahim lincol, use langue use, give thanks to god, good land, religouse freedom, the origaanl language .
Now, really celebrate, is kind of chance enjoy time with family, chance to get together and have thes holyday, no just fo cristians
What do u think celebrating pilgrims and the native americans, in regards to thanksgiving
We talk about pilgrims, so pilgrim came over from the ships, there is some controversy,
Pilgrams and native americaan celebrate about exploitation
History thanksgiving inapprorpiatley simplified.
History of day more complex of what u see in media.
People protest, all relation were not peacefull.
Have opinion
Comedian, all the neighorb over, they shoot then all, terrible jook, what actually happen. In the beginning, native American and pilgrim share together and have alliance, share food and technique, most European colonyse, trat bad ways, kill for other wars, force out of land, move somewhere else, the European give blinkes smalbox, every one tribe day, blinked, eurpean do that so they got the land. Sometime controversial, eurpean colonys, however the history is beautufil
Dressing, stuffing
Mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce
Nobody et fried chicken
Ofical animal of us, eagle is much more powerful
Food coma, take a nap, lombeira. Spread out the couches, diner , 2 oclock afternoon, usually, 3 games football on thakgiving, eat, watch football and sleep.
Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, very sweet, lot of sugar.
Colour are so bad, gren beans, pace of pumpkink pie, and coke
I mess the stuff
What are u thankful for!-
I m thankfull for come today.
Thanks u all.
What make life good.
That is for today.
Next cultre bclub, November, Donald trump and hilary cliton, right before America votes.

Election is not direct, electoral college, whats going on, last major event we organize, before come to us, exicited ur all come.

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