quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018

Master Program Statement of Purpose

my decision to pursue a master degree in Languages are due of my own experience with bilinguilism since childhood. I was raised in a bilingual enviromenent, as at seven years old I from Brazil to France with my parents, proporcionando my acquisition of french language in primary school and portugueses at home. Desde então, french and portugese has been my mother tongue and interfere in my way of writting until todays. For exemple, it is commom that I mystake french and portuguese genre while writing incounsciousnly, even when I am aware of that difference in both languages. Also, sometimes my mind works in an interlinguisitic way, de um jeiot that a use french strucutre and idiomatic expression to expose my ideas. Multilinguism is part of me and my life and therefore deep my studies in these filed are interesting by itself for me.

My lifelong languages studies started at 10 years old, when I learned English in French wiht an Irish tearcher. At 11, I returned to Brazil and I used I irshi accent whihc provokes jokes between my peer at school. Spanish was also a language I had studied, since in Brazilian education system, is usual to study 2 foreign langauges. Before entering university, I also studied German during 1 month and participiate in a high school poetry compeition, whihc gave me the third place between 50 school compeititing. Furthermore, I almost never stopped my french studies, as I enroled french classs at Univerity and at Alliance Française until achiving a C1 level. After concluding my french lanauge course, I voltei my attnetion to english until ahcieving the b2 in 2017.

While studying at University, I have enroled a Bachelor in Economics and my main interet areas were Economic History, such as my final project was about Railroad Politics in Minas Gerais in the beging of XX century. I also had devoted my time to undergraduate reserach program in Health Economics, reading most of literature of hospital managemnt and preparing referecen material for my Professor. Then I was selected to study abroad, passing  one year in France stuying French Language, Economics and Politicis. In France, I partiicpate in International Student Comiite as a member,  oque me deu convivenica wiht studentes around the aroiund in activities suhc as landscape visitis, gastronimes and games hangs outs. In 2011, I joined the Divulgação Cientifica University Board, as I wroked as a monitr in scinece fairs around brazil, beside participating in back office task of events promotions. In 2013 I joinde volunter work in AISEC, wich tauhg me corporate and leaderships values and proporcionar host mexicna, french and colombia in my house during 1 year. Finaly, my Economics internship wre related to translated finacial educations portal form english to portuguese, which open the door for Language area for me. Then, I teach French in a social project with French Ambassade and started to working in Education Industiry. These is why I decied to started a second Bachelor in Langauges and today I am an teaching frenhc intern at univeristy besided giving private lesson by skpye or face-to-face.

Joining your master program in Lanuguae will allow my deepen knowleg and aperfection in tools and indsiful ideas of workign and apporahcs, state of arts. Moreover, as a bilinguial person, I can bring an interesting and orignal viewpoint of language teaching.

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