sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2018
quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018
sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2018
quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2018
terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2018
terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2018
domingo, 9 de setembro de 2018
sábado, 8 de setembro de 2018
sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018
quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2018
Genero Textual vs Estrutura Textual
#parâmetros #indicadores #novela #carta #texto #estrutura #didática #pedaogiga #discurso
O Super Livro
#superman #superhomem #estratégia #adolescente #criança #livro #aventura #videogame #playstation #xbox #patins #brincar #divertir #lazer #qi #inteligencia
As aventuras da sereia Luísa e do pirata traiçoeiro
#piratas #pampulha #bh #mg #livro #leitura #menina #jovem #princesa #namorado
Livro: Quem Já viu um vaga-lume
#vagalume #livro #literatura #ciencia #meioambiente #inseto #natureza #criança #pedagogia #moral
Dom Quixote em Cordel
#cordel #leitura #criança #jovem #leitura #infanto #infancia #juvenil #adolsecente #quinze #maluco#doido #rolima #livros #livro #leitura #lazer
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018
segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2018
sábado, 28 de julho de 2018
domingo, 15 de julho de 2018
sábado, 14 de julho de 2018
quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018
Mel do Cerrado - Cupaíba - Geleia Real - Vendo
#mel #geleia #real #abelha #roça #verde #natureba #natural #vegano #montesclaros #cerrado
quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2018
terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2018
sábado, 7 de julho de 2018
sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2018
terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2018
quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2018
segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018
quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2018
quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2018
14-6-18 a noite na ufmg
angebote, kein probetraining, beitrag monatlich, kochen, studenten demo zugang,
Which sport do you pratice?
I pratice languages und Indiaca
I dance at a school in downtown and I pay it monthly only R$60,00 for 1 hour week class.
angebote, kein probetraining, beitrag monatlich, kochen, studenten demo zugang,
Welchen Sport machst du?
Ich praktiziere Sprachen und Indiaca
Ich tanze in einer Schule in der Innenstadt und ich zahle sie monatlich nur R $ 60,00 für 1 Stunde Woche Klasse.
How is your family?
My family is basicaly formed by my grandmother, mother, stepfather, sister
What is your mother's name?
My mother name is Silvania.
My father name is Reginaldo.
Do you have sibilings?
Yes, one sister
What is her name?
Her name is Carolina
Do you have children?
No, i have no children.
my family is small
What is o
my grandfather is dead, both of them.
my also, but their names were Stuart and José
I'm single. I am inteligent.
I dance.
Wie geht's deiner Familie?
Meine Familie besteht hauptsächlich aus meiner Großmutter, Mutter, Stiefvater, Schwester
Wie heißt deine Mutter?
Mein Muttername ist Silvania.
Mein Vater heißt Reginaldo.
Hast du Geschwister?
Ja, eine Schwester
Was ist ihr Name?
Ihr Name ist Carolina
Hast du Kinder?
Nein, ich habe keine Kinder.
meine Familie ist klein
Was ist o?
Mein Großvater ist tot, beide.
meine auch, aber ihre Namen waren Stuart und José
Ich bin ledig. Ich bin intelligent.
Ich tanze.
When I go to the supermarket, I buy one packet of rice, beans and meat. Also, I buy one packet of loaf bread, honey, ten liters of milk, twelve yogurt and four types of salads, like tomato, potatos, and fruits, like orange, banana and nuts, all of these around 2 bag.
Wenn ich in den Supermarkt gehe, kaufe ich eine Packung Reis, Bohnen und Fleisch. Außerdem kaufe ich eine Packung Laib Brot, Honig, zehn Liter Milch, zwölf Joghurt und vier Arten von Salaten, wie Tomaten, Kartoffeln und Früchte, wie Orange, Banane und Nüsse, all dies um 2 Beutel.
Which sport do you pratice?
I pratice languages und Indiaca
I dance at a school in downtown and I pay it monthly only R$60,00 for 1 hour week class.
angebote, kein probetraining, beitrag monatlich, kochen, studenten demo zugang,
Welchen Sport machst du?
Ich praktiziere Sprachen und Indiaca
Ich tanze in einer Schule in der Innenstadt und ich zahle sie monatlich nur R $ 60,00 für 1 Stunde Woche Klasse.
How is your family?
My family is basicaly formed by my grandmother, mother, stepfather, sister
What is your mother's name?
My mother name is Silvania.
My father name is Reginaldo.
Do you have sibilings?
Yes, one sister
What is her name?
Her name is Carolina
Do you have children?
No, i have no children.
my family is small
What is o
my grandfather is dead, both of them.
my also, but their names were Stuart and José
I'm single. I am inteligent.
I dance.
Wie geht's deiner Familie?
Meine Familie besteht hauptsächlich aus meiner Großmutter, Mutter, Stiefvater, Schwester
Wie heißt deine Mutter?
Mein Muttername ist Silvania.
Mein Vater heißt Reginaldo.
Hast du Geschwister?
Ja, eine Schwester
Was ist ihr Name?
Ihr Name ist Carolina
Hast du Kinder?
Nein, ich habe keine Kinder.
meine Familie ist klein
Was ist o?
Mein Großvater ist tot, beide.
meine auch, aber ihre Namen waren Stuart und José
Ich bin ledig. Ich bin intelligent.
Ich tanze.
When I go to the supermarket, I buy one packet of rice, beans and meat. Also, I buy one packet of loaf bread, honey, ten liters of milk, twelve yogurt and four types of salads, like tomato, potatos, and fruits, like orange, banana and nuts, all of these around 2 bag.
Wenn ich in den Supermarkt gehe, kaufe ich eine Packung Reis, Bohnen und Fleisch. Außerdem kaufe ich eine Packung Laib Brot, Honig, zehn Liter Milch, zwölf Joghurt und vier Arten von Salaten, wie Tomaten, Kartoffeln und Früchte, wie Orange, Banane und Nüsse, all dies um 2 Beutel.
terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2018
Was the Empire of Brazil ever a great power?
6 Answers
Alfredo Perozo, Think of me as the Brazilian History guy
Indulge a moment of raw historical data, will you?
Let’s see:
(1900 figures)
British Empire: 436,259,084 (330,567,600 in India)
Qing Empire: 400,000,000
Russian Empire: 136,305,900
French Empire: 78,790,700
United Stated of America: 75,994,575
German Empire: 56,367,178
Austro-Hungarian Empire: 47,295,100
Japanese Empire: 46,605,000
Ottoman Empire: 31,706,300
Spain: 18,594,000
Brazil: 14,300,000
Brazil had a much smaller population than Austria-Hungary, Spain, and the Ottomans, which by the time were by any reasonable standard second-rate powers at most. The 1890 census, made shortly after the Republic was proclaimed, by the General Directorship of Statistics (which had been terminated by the Empire) after it was reinstated, counted 14,333,915 people. Unless the Republic managed to make a few hundred million people disappear in less than one year, Brazil wasn’t remotely close to the Great Powers population-wise.
But surely it must’ve made up for it with the military?
Military Budget:[2]
(1900 figures, 1900 British pounds)
United Kingdom: 119,587,000
United States: 64,129,400 (data for 1898)
Germany: 42,328,690
France: 37,859,330
Italy: 18,117,000
Brazil doesn’t even make it to the list. According to this[3] the Brazilian GDP in 1890 was 17,317,000,000 US dollars from 2008.
Italy’s military spending for 1900 is equivalent[4] to 16,881,175,000 pounds from 2008. In 2008, the average[5] of the monthly average exchange rates between the pound and the dollar was 1.85385625. This means that the Italian military expenditure for 1900 amounted to 31,295,271,781.093 US dollars from 2008. Therefore, the military budget of Italy, one of Europe’s second-rate powers, was almost twice the entire GDP of Brazil for 1890. In comparison, the Brazilian military budget for 1889 was 1,679,544.72 pounds from 1900, making it almost 11 times smaller than that of Italy in the same year.
Unless the Republic caused Brazil’s GDP to plummet a few billions of 2008 dollars in less than a year (or the Empire had access to some really cheap hardware), this indicates a less than spectacular military prowess. In fact, in the mid-1880s the Brazilian Army had a paltry 13,000 personel, while in 1880 the Russians had 1,310,000 and the Qing had 700,000[6]. If all Russian soldiers of the time divided themselves in pairs to be served wine each by one of Rio’s citizens of the time, many pairs would be left without a servant; ditto if the Qing soldiers were each to be served by one of the epoch’s Cariocas.
Seeing as Brazil was a far cry from the Great Powers of its time in both number of troops and military budget, we better look elsewhere, for culture perhaps?
In 1889, only 15% of Brazilians could read and write their own names. There were only 300,000 students enrolled in primary schools, and 12,000 in secondary schools. Only 8,000 people or one in 1750 had superior education of some sort, and Brazil didn’t have a single university.

Not much of an intellectual powerhouse, eh?
But surely it must’ve been an economic powerhouse?
(1870 figures, 1990 US dollars)
Qing Empire: 189,740,000,000
British India: 134,882,000,000
United Kingdom: 100,180,000,000
United States: 98,374,000,000
Germany: 72,149,000,000
France: 72,100,000,000
Italy: 41,814,000,000
The figures were calculated by Madison, who is also quoted by the paper in footnote 3 as giving a GDP figure for Brazil in 1870 equivalent[9] to 6,389,216,592.43 US dollars from 1990, that is, almost seven times smaller than Italy that same year. Heck, Mexico had a GDP of 6,214,000,000 US dollars from 1990 in 1870 — about the same as Brazil, but with four times less area.
Again, hardly anything worth bragging about, economy-wise — much less comparing with the Great Powers of the age.
The only sane veredict is, of course, no.
quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2018
sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2018
meus links
quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2018
sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2018
quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018
Master Program Statement of Purpose
my decision to pursue a master degree in Languages are due of my own experience with bilinguilism since childhood. I was raised in a bilingual enviromenent, as at seven years old I from Brazil to France with my parents, proporcionando my acquisition of french language in primary school and portugueses at home. Desde então, french and portugese has been my mother tongue and interfere in my way of writting until todays. For exemple, it is commom that I mystake french and portuguese genre while writing incounsciousnly, even when I am aware of that difference in both languages. Also, sometimes my mind works in an interlinguisitic way, de um jeiot that a use french strucutre and idiomatic expression to expose my ideas. Multilinguism is part of me and my life and therefore deep my studies in these filed are interesting by itself for me.
My lifelong languages studies started at 10 years old, when I learned English in French wiht an Irish tearcher. At 11, I returned to Brazil and I used I irshi accent whihc provokes jokes between my peer at school. Spanish was also a language I had studied, since in Brazilian education system, is usual to study 2 foreign langauges. Before entering university, I also studied German during 1 month and participiate in a high school poetry compeition, whihc gave me the third place between 50 school compeititing. Furthermore, I almost never stopped my french studies, as I enroled french classs at Univerity and at Alliance Française until achiving a C1 level. After concluding my french lanauge course, I voltei my attnetion to english until ahcieving the b2 in 2017.
While studying at University, I have enroled a Bachelor in Economics and my main interet areas were Economic History, such as my final project was about Railroad Politics in Minas Gerais in the beging of XX century. I also had devoted my time to undergraduate reserach program in Health Economics, reading most of literature of hospital managemnt and preparing referecen material for my Professor. Then I was selected to study abroad, passing one year in France stuying French Language, Economics and Politicis. In France, I partiicpate in International Student Comiite as a member, oque me deu convivenica wiht studentes around the aroiund in activities suhc as landscape visitis, gastronimes and games hangs outs. In 2011, I joined the Divulgação Cientifica University Board, as I wroked as a monitr in scinece fairs around brazil, beside participating in back office task of events promotions. In 2013 I joinde volunter work in AISEC, wich tauhg me corporate and leaderships values and proporcionar host mexicna, french and colombia in my house during 1 year. Finaly, my Economics internship wre related to translated finacial educations portal form english to portuguese, which open the door for Language area for me. Then, I teach French in a social project with French Ambassade and started to working in Education Industiry. These is why I decied to started a second Bachelor in Langauges and today I am an teaching frenhc intern at univeristy besided giving private lesson by skpye or face-to-face.
Joining your master program in Lanuguae will allow my deepen knowleg and aperfection in tools and indsiful ideas of workign and apporahcs, state of arts. Moreover, as a bilinguial person, I can bring an interesting and orignal viewpoint of language teaching.
My lifelong languages studies started at 10 years old, when I learned English in French wiht an Irish tearcher. At 11, I returned to Brazil and I used I irshi accent whihc provokes jokes between my peer at school. Spanish was also a language I had studied, since in Brazilian education system, is usual to study 2 foreign langauges. Before entering university, I also studied German during 1 month and participiate in a high school poetry compeition, whihc gave me the third place between 50 school compeititing. Furthermore, I almost never stopped my french studies, as I enroled french classs at Univerity and at Alliance Française until achiving a C1 level. After concluding my french lanauge course, I voltei my attnetion to english until ahcieving the b2 in 2017.
While studying at University, I have enroled a Bachelor in Economics and my main interet areas were Economic History, such as my final project was about Railroad Politics in Minas Gerais in the beging of XX century. I also had devoted my time to undergraduate reserach program in Health Economics, reading most of literature of hospital managemnt and preparing referecen material for my Professor. Then I was selected to study abroad, passing one year in France stuying French Language, Economics and Politicis. In France, I partiicpate in International Student Comiite as a member, oque me deu convivenica wiht studentes around the aroiund in activities suhc as landscape visitis, gastronimes and games hangs outs. In 2011, I joined the Divulgação Cientifica University Board, as I wroked as a monitr in scinece fairs around brazil, beside participating in back office task of events promotions. In 2013 I joinde volunter work in AISEC, wich tauhg me corporate and leaderships values and proporcionar host mexicna, french and colombia in my house during 1 year. Finaly, my Economics internship wre related to translated finacial educations portal form english to portuguese, which open the door for Language area for me. Then, I teach French in a social project with French Ambassade and started to working in Education Industiry. These is why I decied to started a second Bachelor in Langauges and today I am an teaching frenhc intern at univeristy besided giving private lesson by skpye or face-to-face.
Joining your master program in Lanuguae will allow my deepen knowleg and aperfection in tools and indsiful ideas of workign and apporahcs, state of arts. Moreover, as a bilinguial person, I can bring an interesting and orignal viewpoint of language teaching.
master program,
statement of purpose
segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018
Oswald Stuart Harvard's Statement of Purpose
UFMG - Inglês Sem Fronteiras
Professor: Italo Esteves
Aluno: Oswald Stuart Nascimento Rabelo
Data: 21/05/18
I am applying to Harvard’s doctoral program in Education in pursuit of a career in
academic research. I entered Education research because I enjoy teaching by using
new methods and approaches, mainly ones with Internet-based-technologies. This
interest was confirmed by my teaching internship, which included projects on
organising cultural fairs, class material creation, and substitution of teachers. These
experiences also led me to discover that I enjoy classroom environment, especially
class of students that are beginners, younger and highly motivated, allowing me to
employ last education tools available on the market, such as apps, translations and
streaming websites. My interest in Linguistics and Bilingualism recently led me to
explore the subfield of learning process in bilingual countries, in which I have a few
research ideas. I entered educational research because I enjoy the process of
teaching methodology theory area. I am fascinated of the teaching chain process,
since lesson planning until thinking about the key empirical factors of a successful
class, and making the correct approach to generate a motivated, engaged and
participative students. For example, one project I worked on for Professor Cristina
Bustamonte involved finding cognatas that are used both in Portuguese and French,
thus given to beginner students the feeling of french language awareness. In this
project, I enjoyed researching various words and expression used in both languages
and elaborating an illustrated, joyful and familiar material adapted to brazilian
students reality. Moreover, the project aimed to use inductive grammar technique as
part of the learner-centered-method. Hence, I assume the principles that pure
grammatic and metalinguistic use should be avoid in classroom and the main focus
of a language course is to enhanced students confidence and ability to communicate
based in real world and meanful situation. Overall, the greatest barriers are to boost
students confidence and to elaborate comprehensive tasks to the target student
audience. During my practice, I also began to discover students communicative
interests, especially those related to shopping, fashion and travels. For the French
cultural fair project, my major personal contribution was training my students to
correctly pronounce the ingredients and commands of a “French recipes” using
speech analysis software and Phonetics theory. I discovered that I enjoy carefully
thinking about the highly physiological aspect of the problem, like the existence
different mouth, tongue and tooth articulations for an accurate pronunciation, thus
leading myself of the development of interesting accent reductions techniques.
Similarly, I enjoyed the process of finding vocals insights in my survey project. One
insight involved describing brazilian french students speaking pattern; another insight
involved interlinguism between Brazilian Portuguese and French language. In both
findings, I was especially satisfied to know that these studies contribute to the
language field discoveries. My revealed interest in Languages Teaching led me
towards theoretical fields with wide applications, such as Psychology and Physiology
where human behaviour theory, specially neuroscience, increase the power and
scope of all of teaching theories. For example, neuroscience, it is known that
emotion and reasoning are intimately related in the learning process. In Physiology,
the mechanism in which humans articulate their communicative apparatus are
insightful whereas it is come to explain how to pronounce words. Also Evolutionary
Psychology are powerful theory to explain and give hints to educators about class
management and coping critical classroom situations. However, work in Humanities
often lacks of empirical research, once many hypothesis testing lack of data and
suffer from ethical issues constraint. To build a technical toolbox, I have studied
almost five years of linguistics and statistics undergraduate courses. Overall, I am
fascinated with teaching and enjoy research, especially building models and
analyzing empirical data. I am interested in Language Methodology Theory, Teaching
and Evolutionary Psychology and would like to explore these and other educational
fields in graduate school. My fascination with research will provide me with the
necessary ambition to succeed in Harvard’s program, while my extensive
coursework and field preparation will provide me with the necessary skills to succeed
in Harvard’s program.
higher education,
terça-feira, 13 de março de 2018
Conceptualizing Teaching Acts
Oswald Stuart Nascimento Rabelo*
The author states that somes theorist even do not consider “teaching” a science. Then, he defines job, vocations, work, career, occupation and profession as a way to categorized what teaching is, what kind of role the teacher has in society.
Then he introduces 3 theories about what is teaching and “teacher role” and technique used to teach. The first model consider the teacher as passive technician, someone who only transmit knowledge or who is just a bridge between the savant (philosophers who think) and the ignorant students. Then the second theory states that the teacher is as reflective practitioners, in other word, a person that somehow can use his own creativity and autonomy to teach, then who is more active in the teaching process. Moreover, practitioner teacher are problem solver and they used reflection-on-action as a way to evaluate his own teaching method before and after class and reflection-in-action to evaluate his own teaching practice during class.
The last approach considers teachers as transformative intellectuals with the role of transforming students by given then the means to have critical thinking, thus turning these apprentices active citizen in the world. The last approach do not restrain the act of teaching only in classroom, but also engaging the community and society as a whole.
The last point the author mentions is the difference between theory and practice. Im my opinion, it is purely a ideological fact because in real world theory is mixed with practice. Moreover he distinguishes professional theory and personal theory. The first one is a scientific based and the second one is common sense based. Both are valid way of thinking and has its own role on the teaching practice. The author shows that teacher must used professional and personal theory during work, once teaching is a mixed of science and art, thus requiring both professional skill (academic background) and personal and social skill.
I agree with the author that teaching is to improve the student learning process in the last available time possible. Moreover, I think modern science aim to be environmentally-friendly, human right respectful, understanding human been as a whole, hence taking in account believes, values, desired, diversity of each individual in the planet.
I think the author point out important viewpoint of teaching methodology theory, and I would add the reasoning that motivate the education system: is education to preparare the population to the workforce or to transform people in better citizen? I believe critical pedagogy is very optimistic about education, once it states that education should improve the society, but I do not think that we can give conscious to the people or teach then how to become better human been, once I think values are hard to change and transform a country since childhood will encounter severe barrier from the political elite of more traditional and archaic mindset country like Brazil.
KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching. Chapter 1. (2003)
*English Language Licentiate student of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, response paper wrote to the course “Fundamentos metodológicos do ensino de inglês: aquisição em abordagens” given by Prof. Reis in Faculdade de Letras on 03/13/18.
Quer mudar um país? Eduque-o
13 Março 2018 | 03h00
Há no YouTube a gravação de um debate sobre a decadência da qualidade da educação nos Estados Unidos de que já recebi cópias pelo menos uma dezena de vezes. Nele Michio Kaku, um divulgador da ciência célebre naquele país, adverte que “ela é o motor da prosperidade que só não entrou em colapso nos Estados Unidos ainda porque o país dispõe de uma arma secreta, o H-1b”, que vem a ser o “visto especial para gênios” que o governo concede (ou concedia até Trump) com largueza suficiente para fazer do país um “ímã que suga todos os cérebros do mundo”.
Isso é menos de metade da verdade. Se transformar-se num “ímã” de cérebros privilegiados fosse apenas uma questão de conceder vistos facilitados, ninguém teria problemas em conseguir o mesmo efeito. Os Estados Unidos atraem os cérebros mais brilhantes do mundo pela mesma razão pela qual o dólar é a moeda de referência e sustentação de todas as outras. Porque o seu sistema de governo é o único onde a vontade de um presidente sozinho não pode nada e a vontade popular realmente impera. É porque o país dispõe de instituições montadas para permitir que a vontade dos representados seja imposta aos seus representantes (a saber: voto distrital puro, eleições primárias diretas, recall, referendo, iniciativa, e eleições de retenção de juízes), que o sistema se torna disposto a e capaz de corrigir erros. E isso porque “erros” persistentes nunca são função de enganos genuínos, mas sim da condição dada a uma oligarquia para criar e manter privilégios manipulando instituições calculadamente entortadas para lhe dar esse poder.
O cidadão exerce a sua liberdade, na prática, na sua dimensão de produtor e consumidor na medida em que possa escolher entre patrões e fornecedores competindo entre si por sua preferência. O resto é poesia. Já os déspotas, depois do surgimento das armas de extinção em massa, deram-se conta de que entrar no jogo econômico é o único modo de projetar poder internacionalmente e continuar vivo. A diferença essencial entre os capitalismos de estado e o capitalismo democrático está, portanto, nos objetivos que se propõem. O primeiro visa o bem-estar do indivíduo que depende do estado impor limites ao capital em nome da preservação da concorrência que garante a liberdade individual. O outro requer a concentração dos poderes do capital e do estado nas mesmas mãos e a sujeição de tudo o mais ao objetivo de projetar internacionalmente a hegemonia que o ditador e seu grupo já exercem internamente. Um só pode avançar com benefício de todos pelos acrescentamentos da inovação que depende da garantia da propriedade intelectual pelo estado. Os outros impõem-se pela lógica do monopólio que tem no pirateamento das invenções alheias e na exploração pelo estado da sua condição de único empregador a vantagem competitiva que lhes permite esmagar concorrentes pelo mundo afora.
Quando, porém, esses expedientes ou outra causa qualquer produzem turbulências na economia mundial, as chinas todas, para proteger os lucros acumulados que são a munição da sua guerra pela hegemonia econômica, correm para abrigar-se... nos títulos do governo americano. Por quê? Porque ele é o único do mundo que não tem o poder de calotear seus credores internos, que contam com instituições que os fazem mais fortes que o próprio governo, o que redunda na extensão dessa mesma garantia aos credores externos. As explicações conspiratórias e “imperialistas” para a força do dólar são mentirosas. Ele é o que é em função da qualidade das instituições do país que o emite.
Assim também os “gênios” do mundo. É para os Estados Unidos que eles afluem não porque seja fácil conseguir um visto, mas para fugir de governos como os das chinas do mundo onde os ditadores da hora podem fazer de seus súditos o que bem entenderem quando bem entenderem, o que torna impossível a liberdade, a estabilidade e a continuidade que a pesquisa pura e a verdadeira inovação requerem.
No Brasil é voz corrente que instituições de qualidade são produto de uma boa educação e que como não temos uma boa educação jamais teremos instituições de qualidade. Historicamente, entretanto, a ordem desses fatores tem sido a inversa. A boa educação é que é consequência da conquista de boas instituições. A “educação” patrocinada pelos regimes estabelecidos está sempre casada com a religião, vale dizer, com o dogma oficialmente aceito, o único livre de repressão. E sua função é reproduzir o sistema instituído. Lutero primeiro denuncia o dogma que sustenta as instituições anteriores. E para se compor com os príncipes que queriam se livrar do papa, exige educação gratuita e obrigatória para todos. Na Inglaterra seiscentista, igualmente, é só depois que a volúpia de Henrique VIII institui a liberdade religiosa e “legaliza” a convivência com a diversidade de crenças que se abre o espaço que vai ensejar o nascimento da ciência moderna. Nas experiências asiáticas, mais recentes, é sempre o déspota esclarecido que denuncia o dogma anterior (o socialismo). Só então abre-se o caminho para a reforma da educação que, mais adiante, consolida a mudança.
O Brasil mantém “petrificada” a sua miséria medieval muito mais graças ao desconhecimento meticulosamente construído das curas disponíveis mediante um controle estrito da educação e da mídia que por uma recusa consciente da população a tomar os “antibióticos institucionais” que poderiam facilmente curá-la. E essa afirmação de que “estudar medicina” seria um requisito prévio para que esses remédios façam efeito aqui faz parte da mentira de quem nos quer para sempre doentes. Eles curam quem quer que os tome, independentemente do que lhe tenham “ensinado” na vida.
Uma boa educação requer, de qualquer maneira, no mínimo duas ou três gerações. O atalho obrigatório, que é o que abre caminho para ela, é ousar na reforma das instituições.
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